Q8Aviation hosts second virtual Technical Workshop
Around 80 professionals in the aviation fuel sector took part in Q8Aviation’s recent Technical Workshop, which was run online for the second consecutive year
Q8Aviation clients from across Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Far East joined the three-day forum to hear about the latest changes and issues affecting their sector. Following a welcome from General Manager Q8Aviation Naser Ben Butain, a series of presentations and debates were led by Q8Aviation’s Technical Team, headed by Technical Director Nic Mason.
In a new initiative to encourage interaction, the team invited participants’ views through a multiple-choice poll after each session, which led to further discussions and insights. Among the guest speakers, a team from aviation services company Titan Aviation – Richard Lewis, commercial director; Stéphane Hecky, director of operations and Vincent Duraffourg, project leader electric vehicles – shared news on the development of electric refuelling trucks, which will reduce carbon emissions at airports.
In another guest session, Jan Turek, international sales engineer at Elaflex, described the latest developments in aviation hoses and other aviation refuelling equipment. Delegates described the forum as “very detailed, well covered by all presenters” and having “a good variety in topics, well presented by knowledgeable people.”
Nic Mason comments: “We ran our annual Technical Workshop online for the first time last year, in response to COVID-19 restrictions. While we miss meeting in person, we are pleased with the positive feedback from our clients, which confirms that the format is working well.”