Q8Aviation Technical Director appointed Chairman of JIG
We’re delighted to announce that John Buxton, Technical Director at Q8Aviation, has been appointed as Chairman of the Joint Inspection Group (JIG) Council, from 1st August.
John has more than 25 years’ experience in the oil industry and currently leads Q8Aviation’s technical team, which provides a range of technical services to aviation fuel businesses worldwide.
As the leading international forum for aviation fuel risk management, JIG sets the standards that make a vital contribution to the safe handling and integrity of aviation fuel. John has been closely involved with JIG for many years; he previously served on the JIG Council and Operations Committee and chaired the Workshop Committee.
He takes over at an important time for JIG with initiatives underway to reinforce its standing in the industry and improve support for members. John comments: “All of us in JIG are looking forward to the next few years as we take the organisation to new levels of efficiency and effectiveness, while remaining focused on our core purpose of delivering world-class standards.”
Fadel Al-Faraj, Managing Director Global Business at Q8 says: “Q8Aviation’s technical team are among the industry’s top jet fuel experts and play a leading role in industry bodies. It is a great honour to chair JIG and we congratulate John and wish him every success in this important appointment.”