Technical Documents
We offer a wide range of manuals and documentation that supports clients to achieving the highest standards in refuelling and fuel handling.
Our technical services customers are provided with a set of Q8Aviation’s manuals. These manuals, which are produced by our own in-house experts, are provided as hard copies and are also available for customers to download via a secure section of our website.
The set includes the following manuals:
- Aviation Operating Procedures
- Aviation Fuels Quality Control
- HSSE Management System
We also offer a wide range of documentation, including the industry standard for Into-Plane Operations (JIG 1) and Depot and Hydrant Operations (JIG 2). We can also provide EI/JIG 1530 for fuel quality control upstream of airports. These set out the internationally agreed standards for handling aviation fuel, together with recommended practice for fuel sampling and testing, recommended design features of equipment and vehicles, and procedures for storage and delivery of aviation fuel to the aircraft. We also keep clients fully up to date with the latest bulletins and other industry news that are sent out automatically by email.

Q8Aviation technical clients
We also offer a wide range of documentation, including the industry standard for Into-Plane Operations (JIG 1) and Depot and Hydrant Operations (JIG 2). We can also provide EI/JIG 1530 for fuel quality control upstream of airports. These set out the internationally agreed standards for handling aviation fuel, together with recommended practice for fuel sampling and testing, recommended design features of equipment and vehicles, and procedures for storage and delivery of aviation fuel to the aircraft. We also keep clients fully up to date with the latest bulletins and other industry news that are sent out automatically by email.
These procedures describe:
- The receipt, storage and distribution of aviation fuel to the airport
- Handling of Aviation Fuel for airport depots and hydrants
- Providing intoplane services to aircraft
Bespoke Solutions
Many customers have specific needs based on local site, equipment and regulatory requirements. Q8Aviation’s technical experts can work with clients to help develop customised procedures that precisely meet their needs. Services can include:
- Advice on amendments and additions required to meet local needs
- Direct customisation of procedures
- Regular updates ensuring procedures comply with latest requirements
- Development and implementation of SOP rollout and training plan
We now exclusively offer our technical clients sets of Q8Aviation Safety Posters which highlight key safety points from our Standard Operating Procedures and provides a constant visual reminder to site operators.